Thursday, July 16, 2009


You may be asking why ants?

…From Solomon son of King David…
“Go to the ant, you sluggard; consider its ways and be wise.” Proverbs 6:2 NIV

…And from the Sayings of Agur…
“Ants are creatures of little strength, yet they store up their food in the summer;”
Proverbs 30:25 NIV

Well let us take a look at ants. Scientists believe that there can be as many as 20,000 different kinds of Species in the world. They range in size from 1/25 of an inch to an inch. Ants are also found on every continent except Antarctica.

The ants’ life consists of four life cycles. The first being the eggs, then they move to the larva stage. The final two are the pupa, and the adult. Males have short life span mainly appearing during the mating system.

All Ants live in colonies. The colony consists of male and female members, with females being more prominent. Some colonies only have a few queens others have hundreds. Most of the colony consists of workers.

In Southern China more than 2000 years ago, ants where used as biological pest control the farmers gathered them and used them to their orange groves. The ants helped in attacking the insects that attacked the groves.

Ok let us take a look at the verses and feelings on them. First up is, Proverbs 6:2.
“Go to the ant” Well, I take this literally. In other words go look at an ant.
“You Sluggard” Sluggard in other words means procrastinator. So, to me that means do it ASAP. Don’t be a sluggard.
“Consider its ways and be wise” Another literal statement. You might just be amazed at what you learn by watching these amazing creatures.

The next verse in question is Proverbs 30:25.
“Ants are creatures of little strength” Well, for there size they have great physical strength. Mentally they are lacking with only 250,000 brain cells, as a human has an average of 10,000,000,000. Therefore a colony of 40,000 ants has the combined brain power of a human. “Yet they store up their food in the summer” So, back to the term sluggard. Store up your reserves when the harvest is right. When times get hard you will have security in your past labor.

In closing, do not be a sluggard. When you are able to gather things do so. When there is work work. When there is no work find work. When there is no hope rest assured that you have done all you can do and that what you have saved can be used to sustain you and your family. Take the time to watch the ants, you might just be amazed at what God shows you.

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