Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Start of The Blog

I am A US Veteran that has nothing but time on my hands. I have recently found the Lord again. I have decided to study the bible and situations in my life. I like to do research on a varity of topics. Mainly I am going to touch on the Bible as it relates to topics in the news. Everything will be questioned. This can get very interesting. I will write an article as often as I can. By the way you may not feel like you concur with my views and that is fine. You can leave a comment about whatever you want.


  1. Amen!We are all the creation of God - unrepeatable miracles. I will be following this blog. Keep up the good work.

  2. I believe the Bible to be the revealed, infallible,Word of God to man. In it He has revealed Himself to us and provided all that we need to know that we may have eternal life. There is a bumper sticker that says, "God Said it - I believe it - That settles it". I suggest that we leave out the "I believe it" part - If God said it - THAT SETTLES IT.... Whether we believe it or not really does not make any difference.
    I have three absolute truths I like to remind people of:
    1. The longer you live the older you get and there is nothing you can do about it.
    2. If you live long enough you WILL die. (rapture may be the exception)
    3. The death rate among all humans is 100%.

